My kids are always saying funny things and I never write them down. I've decided that I will start blogging them so I don't forget the cute things they say.
Emily is learning letters in sign language and is so proud she can spell her name. Last night as we were getting them ready for bed the following conversation took place.
Emily: Caleb, I bet you can't spell your name in sign language.
Caleb: Of course I can't, I'm not FRENCH!!!!!
Needless to say, he now knows that Sign Language is not the language of the French.
Another Caleb story from yesterday. In his defense, the school nurse has been "checking" for lice. YUCK!!!
Caleb: My eyebrow itches.
Me: Really?
Caleb (as he scratches his eyebrow): Is it lice!
Me: No (as I laugh)
Caleb: Well, it's hair!
Me: You're right. :-)