Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Weight loss....ugh!!!

Two weeks ago Eric and I decided to start on a weight loss/weight management program called Body by Vi. At first we were very skeptical! After much reading and praying and reading and praying, we decided we had nothing to lose except weight!

After two weeks I have lost 3 lbs and 1 1/2 inches in my waist and Eric has maintained his weight and is working on building muscle. I am doing the companies 90 day challenge and so far I am really liking it. Basically, you drink a shake for breakfast and a shake for lunch followed by a healthy meal for dinner. The shakes are delicious!! My favorite is Banana/Peanut Butter and Eric's favorite is Chocolate Covered Strawberries!! Yum!

I am trying to stay motivated because I need to shed some pounds! Once you reach your weight loss goal you cut back to one shake per day, breakfast. Drinking one shake will help you maintain your weight loss.

I'm really excited to see significant results. I have cheated a few times and I really feel like that has slowed down my weight loss. Anyway, here is how my eating usually goes for the day....

Breakfast: Shake
Mid Morning: Healthy snack (yogurt, veggies, fruit, cheese)
Lunch: Shake
Afternoon: Healthy snack ( sometimes I don't even need one)
Dinner: Healthy meal

Go here to learn more and take the 90 day challenge with us,

Five Months

That's how long it's been since I posted last!! I'm going to do a list of the things we have been up to since the last post for my memory.....

  • June 1 Emily turned 8 :(
  • June 3 Last day as a full time working mom!! :)
  • June 6 Began my new part time job (LOVE IT!!!)
  • June 10 Last Day of School
  • June 11-17 Family Vacation @ Myrtle Beach

  • July- Other than the 4th of July I can't even remember that month. After all it has been 2 months ago.

  • August 17 First Day of School:  Emily in 3rd and Caleb in 5th (How did this happen so fast?)
  • August 26 Eric turned 37
  • August 31 I turned 36


  • September 8 Caleb turned 11 :(
  • Caleb started football and Emily started cheerleading.

      It's all been a blur since then.......