So, we now have a pre-teen in our home!! Not sure how this happened so quickly but the time has arrived. With that being said, things are changing (physically and emotionally, eek)!!!
Yesterday as the kids were playing in the pool the obnoxious monster reared his ugly head. And by obnoxious I mean doing everything possible to aggravate his sister! :) Our almost always respectful and laid back child has started to struggle in this area. Bless his heart! We realize this is only the horomones working over time but sometimes it is just plain aggravating to be honest!!
As I was sitting there watching this unfold a thought came to my mind. I thought "I wonder if this is how the Lord feels when we are obnoxious, disrespectful and wanting our way"? I am so thankful that He forgives my selfish nature and continues to love me no matter what!
As the years of raising teenagers quickly approaches, I hope the Lord will help me to be as forgiving and loving as He is with me. I don't deserve it but He loves me anyway.
My kids are far from perfect, just like their parents!! ;) However, I am so proud the Lord has allowed me to be their mama! I know the Lord is going to do great things in and through them.
Jeremiah 29:11