Friday, October 30, 2009


After living in "HOKIE Country" for 8 years, Caleb finally got to go to a Hokie game last night. A friend of Eric's had 2 tickets that they weren't using so Eric bought them and off they went. Eric dropped off his truck early and I picked him up after work. When we went to pick the kids up from school we had the video camera ready. Caleb's reaction was PRICELESS when he found out where him and daddy were going. He got so excited and said "FINALLY". It was too cute. So we rushed home, got Caleb dressed in his VT best. We picked up our Pastor on the way who is a HUGE TARHEEL FAN!!!(capital letters doesn't even come close to expressing how much he LOVES them) Emiy and I drove them over to Lane Stadium and dropped them off. I have never seen so many people in maroon and orange in my life. Wow! Unfortunately, the HOKIES CHOKED!!! Caleb and Eric had a great time though. I am so thankful that they got the oppurtunity to go and I know there were memories made that will never be forgotten. Congratulations Pastor Mike, I know you are floating on a Carolina Blue Cloud.

1 comment:

  1. So glad they got to go!! And glad Pastor Mike is happy :) Love you!
